Author: national-therapy-center

To Evaluate or Not To Evaluate

To Evaluate or Not To Evaluate

You feel that your daughter should be speaking in longer sentences. Your son’s teacher sent home a note telling you that she’s concerned about his listening skills. Your sister can’t understand your daughter talking on the phone. Should you get your child evaluated?? Here are some actions to consider when […]

What is ABA…..

Many people have heard the term or had experience with ABA in recent years yet still are not completely sure what it is. So… Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a treatment approach based on scientific principles of behavior developed over the past 50 years. It is considered to be the […]

For Teachers

For Teachers

Stuttering is a fluency disorder that is defined as a disruption in the forward flow of speech. It is commonly characterized by repetitions (ex. ba-ba-baseball), sound prolongations (ex. mmmommy), or blocks (i.e. no sound). Disfluencies may also be accompanied by negative thoughts and feelings about stuttering, avoidance of sounds, words […]